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Test Android apps using M-eux Test and UFT (QTP)
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on an Android phone using UFT/QTP
Test Android apps using M-eux Test and Visual Studio
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on an Android phone using Visual Studio, and allows you to create test scripts that automate...
Test Android Applications using M-eux Test and Eclipse
In this video, we'll demonstrate how you can automate your test cases for Android applications using M-eux Test and Eclipse.
Test ios Apps using M-eux Test and UFT (QTP)
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on an iPhone using (or other iOS devices) using UFT/QTP, and allows you to create test...
Test ios apps using M-eux Test and Eclipse
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on an iPhone (or other iOS devices) using Eclipse, and allows you to create test scripts...
Test ios apps using M-eux Test and Visual Studio
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on an Iphone using Visual Studio
Test Windows CE applications using M-eux Test and Eclipse
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on Windows CE using Eclipse
Test Windows CE applications using M-eux Test and UFT (QTP)
Jamo Solutions M-eux Test automates behavior on Windows CE using QTP